Galaad Van Daele

is an architect, editor and researcher active in Paris and Zurich. His research interests gravitate towards ambiguous spatial objects that challenge the nature-culture boundary, which he approaches by means of writing – between history, science, fiction – and photography.

After some years of practice in Brussels, he teaches architectural design since 2017 at the Chair of Affective Architectures ­– Studio An Fonteyne at ETH Zurich. Since 2020 he is a doctoral candidate in that same school, with a research project focusing on the Grotta Grande – a cave-like building erected in Florence in the 16th century. In parallel, he is also one of the editors of Brussels-based architecture and art magazine Accattone since 2018.

Starting from a focus on landscape studies, his research endeavours now tackle the possibility of writing a history of architecture that acknowledges the various layers of geological presence inside built spaces. Creating dialogues between architecture, the sciences and the humanities, he seeks transversal modes of thinking about spatial productions and architectural historiographies, beyond the dissociation between the human and the terrestrial.

He has developed teaching formats allowing to introduce young designers to geo-centric questions, with courses such as research and design module “Geoarchitectural Histories – A Research Practice” (Design Academy Eindhoven, 2023-24) or with travelling seminar “Geocentric Driftings”, taught between Italy, Sardinia and Iceland (ETH, 2022-23).

Recently, he has been a resident at c/o Bardi (Florence, 2024), and a fellow at the Kunsthistorisches Institut (Florence, 2024) as well as in the ‘Architecture and Landscape’ residency program of Académie des Beaux-Arts – French Academy of Fine Arts at the Cité Internationale des Arts (Paris, 2022-23).
